The Messy Studio with Rebecca Crowell
The podcast at the intersection of art, travel, business, philosophy, and life in general.
We found 6 episodes of The Messy Studio with Rebecca Crowell with the tag “gratitude”.
Episode 266: Gratitude and the Artist's Life
November 24th, 2023 | 27 mins 2 secs
art, creativity, gratitude, rebecca crowell, specials, thanksgiving
This is the traditional time of year to focus on gratitude for the blessings in our lives. And while gratitude can and should cover a lot of areas of life, since this podcast is mainly aimed at artists, today we’re going to consider some of the ways that we as artists can be uniquely grateful. These include being thankful for being able to do our work, for those who appreciate it, for opportunities that come our way, and for the personal growth we gain from creative practice. Art adds a dimension to our lives that is deeply satisfying and affirming, whether we do it mainly for ourselves or whether we bring it to the wider world or even make a career of it. Today we want to focus on gratitude for the ability and the passion we have to make art.
Episode 250: Expressions of Gratitude
April 29th, 2023 | 30 mins 15 secs
art, business, communication, creativity, experience, gratitude, personal, rebecca crowell
As artists, what role can gratitude play in our work and practice? On a personal level, we know that focusing on what we’re grateful for is good for overall mental health and contentment. Today we’d like to talk about specific situations in which appreciation and gratitude can help artists cope with some of the tougher aspects of art practice. Expressing gratitude can also help in your professional life to build mutual appreciation and respect in your dealings with the art world. Today we’ll talk about the importance of gratitude on both personal and professional levels.
Episode 231: Thanksgiving Thoughts
November 26th, 2022 | 35 mins 22 secs
art, creativity, gratitude, rebecca crowell, specials, thanksgiving
It seems to be true for us as humans who sometimes struggle in our lives that identifying the good things in life--what you feel grateful for-- is a practice that leads to more contentment and joy. Thanskgiving in the United States is a traditional time to count one’s blessings and share time with family and friends. Today, Rebecca and Ross share a few things they are feeling gratitude for in their own lives and hope their conversation inspires you to think of what has been good in the past year for you, our listeners.
Episode 200: Our Milestone 200th Episode: Behind the Scenes
December 12th, 2021 | 50 mins 23 secs
art, collaborating, creativity, gratitude, looking back, milestone, personal development, podcasting, rebecca crowell, review
We have reached a milestone here at the Messy Studio that we are excited to report. We recently surpassed half a million total downloads of our episodes, which we first published in late December 2017. This week also marks our 200th episode, and we are also coming up on our 4th year anniversary as well. We’re proud of our podcast and grateful to our many listeners, and to celebrate we decided to talk today about the podcast itself—how it got started, how it has grown, and the challenges and rewards of this project.
Episode 153: 2020 Thanksgiving Spectacular!
November 26th, 2020 | 33 mins 43 secs
art, creativity, gratitude, rebecca crowell, specials, thanksgiving
2020 has been a rough year so far for many of us. We don’t need to go into all the ways we’ve experienced anxiety, loss, and other struggles. But today, Thanksgiving Day in the US, is a good day to think about the things we are grateful for and have helped us make it through this difficult year. We’re going to share a few of our thoughts and also include some comments from listeners of the podcast.
Episode 146: Older and Wiser: Creativity in Later Years
October 9th, 2020 | 38 mins 1 sec
aging, art, creativity, gratitude, rebecca crowell
In many ways, art is a great leveler of personal differences among those who create it. Along with other personal factors like gender and ethnicity, the age of an artist often has little or no impact on the pure, wordless first encounter between viewer and art. On the other hand, as artists we know that many aspects of our personal lives do affect the content of our work and how we go about making it. Today we are going to talk about some effects of aging on artists and their studio practices.