Sparking Creative Passion

Episode 178 · May 15th, 2021 · 35 mins 18 secs

About this Episode

Passion is a vital ingredient to staying motivated and focused on our creative work. It helps us find our own direction and voice and keeps us going even under hard personal circumstances or times when the outside world is failing to provide validation. Passion is a source of creative energy that sustains and revitalizes us. But is creative passion something we just have as an innate part of our personality? Or can it be nurtured and developed if we lack it? Today we talk about creative passion, and how to nurture and honor its role in our lives as artists.

How do you know if you have passion? It is something you feel deeply, because it is rooted in emotional intensity. It is a source of creative energy that provides consistent motivation, and a way into a flow state in your work. Passion also provides you with self-respect and confidence for ourselves as artists, and when we respect the role of art in our lives, we tend to demand that from others around us. Working from this kind of passion provides a loop of positive feedback for your work, which sustains you during times of struggle.

However, many artists may worry about a lack of passion for their work. But like many things, passion is something that can be nurtured and developed rather than something you either have or you don’t. It starts with commitment, practice, and building confidence. It also involves recognizing any inner issues that are holding back your full engagement with your art practice. Your medium and approach needs to be a good fit, and you need to be as free as you can from other people's expectations and pressures to perform. Negative self-talk can also block passion that is actually there for you under the surface. Another consideration is to seek out support and encouragement for your passion and avoid people who may want to tamp down your enthusiasm.

Passion can seem like something that you simply have, or you don’t, but even people that have it probably did not start out that way. Passion for your work can grow just like any other aspect of your character when given the right conditions and attention. If you do feel passion, never dismiss it, honor its role in your life and expect the same from the people around you.


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What's new at Cold Wax Academy? Rebecca and Jerry are busy preparing new presentations for their Spring Quarter weekly live, interactive sessions. The topics for Spring are Shape, Scale and Proportion, and Self-Coaching to improve your work habits and productivity.

As always, there will be plenty of opportunities to interact with Rebecca, Jerry, and other members, along with critique sessions, feedback about your paintings, and of course a deep dive into the three selected topics of the quarter. Cold Wax Academy has been receiving lots of rave reviews from its members; they know it is the best online learning for cold wax painting available and the only membership program dedicated to this medium. Find out more at

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The Messy Studio Podcast is a CORE Publication MGMT production.