The Messy Studio with Rebecca Crowell
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
270 episodes of The Messy Studio with Rebecca Crowell since the first episode, which aired on December 28th, 2017.
Episode 94: Ebbs and Flows
October 18th, 2019 | 32 mins 8 secs
art, business, ebbs and flows, mindset, rebecca crowell, self improvement
The ebbs and flows of income (and other positive events) are challenges for any self-employed person. But we have to learn to deal with slack times if we want to persist. Once you become discouraged it can be easy to lose your motivation and even think about giving up. Today we’ll cover some strategies and thoughts that can help if you’re in the midst of a downturn, and also ways to take the best advantage of the good times.
Episode 93: Considering Commissions
October 12th, 2019 | 30 mins 51 secs
art, business, commissions, rebecca crowell
Many artists work regularly on commission and depend on this arrangement for income. Yet others find their restrictions challenging, accept them with reservations, and may even refuse them completely. Artists may also be confused about how to proceed the first time they are offered a commission. In this episode we’ll consider both the benefits and drawbacks to working on commission as well as what to consider when accepting one.
Episode 92: Formal Mentorships
October 5th, 2019 | 28 mins 19 secs
art, business, mentorship, rebecca crowell
We continue our discussion about mentoring, with the emphasis on formal or paid arrangements, how they work for both mentors and mentees, and how they are beneficial.
Episode 91: Mentor/Friend Relationships
September 27th, 2019 | 28 mins 15 secs
art, friendship, mentorship, rebecca crowell
Working with a mentor is a long tradition in the art world, in which a less experienced artist looks to one who is more experienced for guidance and training. Is art mentoring still important in the age of instructional videos, books, workshops, and artist groups? What do we gain from having a mentor, or from mentoring other people? Today we will talk about the unique offerings of mentorship, and tips for both mentors and mentees. Our focus today is on the more informal kinds of mentoring as opposed to more formal or paying relationships.
Episode 90: Sharing Studio Secrets
September 21st, 2019 | 31 mins 45 secs
art, art process, art secrets, business, rebecca crowell, technique
Rebecca and Ross discuss why sharing your process and techniques with others helps to advance your own work and career.
Episode 89: Working On Your Website Part 2
September 12th, 2019 | 30 mins 52 secs
art, business, rebecca crowell, website
Rebecca and Ross continue their discussion on building your artist website.
Episode 88: Working On Your Website Part 1
September 8th, 2019 | 35 mins 59 secs
art, business, rebecca crowell, websites
Rebecca and Ross discuss common pitfalls in artist websites and why your website is important.
Episode 87: Making Our Video
September 1st, 2019 | 31 mins 18 secs
art, italy, jerry mclaughlin, rebecca crowell, squeegee press, travel, video, workshops
Rebecca and Jerry discuss the process of making their video (Cold Wax Medium: A Video Workshop)--including behind the scenes stories, the challenges of being on camera, and their motivations and intentions for this huge project. This episode includes a discount coupon code if you wish to purchase the video.
Episode 86: Meaning in Abstraction
August 25th, 2019 | 30 mins 32 secs
abstraction, art, influences, intentions, italy, rebecca crowell, travel
In a wide-ranging conversation during their recent workshop in Italy, Rebecca talks with Jerry about meaning in abstract painting. They discuss ways to approach abstraction, the desire to find imagery in non-referential art, the work of setting intentions, recognizing influences, and more.
Episode 85: What is Unique About Abstraction?
August 17th, 2019 | 32 mins 36 secs
abstraction, art, rebecca crowell
Many people find abstraction very challenging to either create or appreciate because it seems so different from more realistic approaches and it seems hard to find a way in. Although in some ways there are radical differences, there are also some basic similarities with representational art. Today we’ll talk about abstraction in a way that may help your efforts to understand it as an artist or art appreciator.
Episode 84: What the Creative Process Teaches Us
August 10th, 2019 | 25 mins 21 secs
art, learning, rebecca crowell, self improvement, spirituality
A few weeks ago Rebecca posed the question on Facebook, “what has your art practice taught you? Are there things you’ve learned as an artist that help you with other aspects of life? There were a lot of responses that were deep, insightful and passionate. Today we’re going to talk about this topic and some of what the artists said who responded to the question.
Episode 83: Your Art Stories
August 3rd, 2019 | 29 mins 58 secs
art, journey, mindset, rebecca crowell, self improvement
When we are in the midst of things, it is easy to lose sight of the big picture of our own journey as an artist. We tend to focus on the day to day, the ups and downs of whatever we are currently working on, as well as on future goals and plans. But every now and then it’s good to appreciate the path we’ve walked on to this point, how one thing has led to another.
Episode 82: Giving an Artist Talk
July 28th, 2019 | 31 mins 50 secs
art, public speaking, rebecca crowell
Public speaking ranks very high when it comes to events in your life that create anxiety. Yet as part of an art career at some point you will be called upon to speak about your work. This could range from an informal gathering of people you know to an interview on widely shared media. Why should you embrace these opportunities and how can you handle them without too much stress?
Episode 81: Another (Freewheeling) Conversation With Dan Addington
July 20th, 2019 | 32 mins 24 secs
art, galleries, rebecca crowell, shows
Rebecca speaks with Dan Addington, owner of Addington Gallery in Chicago, Illinois about his perspective as both gallery owner and artist. Dan weighs in on when and how to approach a gallery, how we as artists can best work with our galleries, and his number one pet peeve when hanging an exhibit.
Episode 80: The Inside Story - Conversation with Dan Addington of Addington Gallery
July 12th, 2019 | 33 mins 55 secs
art, business, galleries, rebecca crowell
Rebecca talks with gallerist Dan Addington, who offers insider tips and anecdotes from his years of experience as both a working artist in the medium of encaustic and as the owner of Addington Gallery in Chicago, Illinois. This is part one of a two-part conversation.
Episode 79: Deep or Wide - What's Your Focus?
July 7th, 2019 | 34 mins 24 secs
art, branding, experimentation, focus, play, rebecca crowell, voice